D. R. Kaprekar (Dattatreya Ramchandra Kaprekar) introduced an amazing concept Kaprekar number in number theory.
Kaprekar number is a natural
number whose square when divided into two equal or non-equal parts; left and
right, then the sum of both parts must be equal to the original number. None of
the parts should have the value zero.
The Procedure
Step 1: Consider a natural
number n.
Step 2: Square the number
Step 3: Divide the value
after square into two equal or non-equal parts: left x or x-1 digits and right
y digits.
Step 4: Add both left and
right parts: (x + y) or (x-1 + y).
Step 5: If the resultant z
is equal to the original number n, then number n is a Kaprekar number, else
For Example
n: 9
Square the number n2: 92
=> 81.
Divide the value after square into
two equal or non-equal parts: 8 and 1.
Add both left and right parts: 8 +
1=> 9.
Here the resultant 9 is equal to the
original number n. Hence, 9 is a Kaprekar number.
n: 45
Square the number n2: 452
=> 2025.
Divide the value after square into
two equal or non-equal parts: 20 and 25.
Add both left and right parts: 20 +
25=> 45.
Here the resultant 45 is equal to
the original number n. Hence, 45 is a Kaprekar number.
n: 55
Square the number n2: 552
=> 3025.
Divide the value after square into
two equal or non-equal parts: 30 and 25.
Add both left and right parts: 30 +
25=> 55.
Here the resultant 55 is equal to
the original number n. Hence, 55 is a Kaprekar number.
n: 99
Square the number n2: 992
=> 9801.
Divide the value after square into
two equal or non-equal parts: 98 and 01.
Add both left and right parts: 98 +
01=> 99.
Here the resultant 99 is equal to
the original number n. Hence, 99 is a Kaprekar number.
n: 297
Square the number n2: 2972
=> 88209.
Divide the value after square into
two equal or non-equal parts: 88 and 209.
Add both left and right parts: 88 +
209 => 297.
Here the resultant 297 is equal to
the original number n. Hence, 297 is a Kaprekar number.
Hope you have understood this
amazing concept of Kaprekar number. In case of any issue, kindly provide your
valuable comments.
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