The 3n + 1 Problem, also known as the 3n + 1 Conjecture or Collatz Problem or Collatz Conjecture, is that if any positive integer n is iteratively operated using two simple rules: Addition and Division , then the end-result always leads to the number 1. The Rules Rule 1 [Addition]: If the number n is odd, then triple it and add 1. Rule 2 [Division]: If the number n is even, then divide it by 2. Steps to Follow Step 1: Take any positive integer n. Step 2: Check whether the integer is odd or even. Step 3: If the integer is odd, then triple it and add 1. Step 4: If the integer is even, then divide it by 2. Step 5: Repeat this procedure. Step 6: The end-result always leads to the number 1. For Example Integer n = 5 5 is an odd number, so triple it and add 1. The value of n = 16. 16 is an even number, so divide it by 2. The value of n = 8. 8 is an even number, so divide it by 2. The va...
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