The 196-Problem is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries as far as the mathematics is concerned. The reason behind this mystery is that it has not been proved yet whether 196 is a Lychrel number or non-Lychrel number ; a number that produces Palindrome number after repeatedly performing the reverse-then-add operation. As you can see, the terms – Lychrel number, non-Lychrel number, and Palindrome number have been used above. Before going into detail of The 196-Problem, it is important to know about these terms in order to understand this problem effectively. Lychrel number The name Lychrel was coined by computer scientist Wade Van Landingham. Lychrel number is a natural number that do not result in forming numeric palindromic sequence or Palindrome number even after pefroming multiple iterations [n] of the reverse-then-add operation. Non-Lychrel number If any natural number result in forming numeric palindromic sequence or Palindrome number afte...
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